America is facing an emergency.
With a momentous election around the corner, a tsunami of new laws across the country make it difficult if not impossible for some people to vote. Perfectly eligible voters being denied the right to vote, blocked from their duty to vote for lack of a governmental issued photo ID.
The 15th amendment prohibits restricting the right to vote due to race. The 17th requires states to elect senators by popular vote. The 19th amendment extends voting rights to all women. The 24th amendment explicitly bans poll taxes. The 26th amendment extends the right to vote to everyone 18 years of age and older. And, yet…

Since 2020, 18 States have passed newer and more restrictive laws that many people do not even know about so they get an ugly surprise when they go, in good faith, to vote. Almost 35 million voting age Americans do not have an unexpired driver’s license or state ID with their current address and name required to vote in many states. To complicate matters, a huge percentage of Americans in many states don’t even know if they need this to vote.

Kathleen Unger, founder of VoteRiders, is committed to protecting the beauty and power of a representative democracy, and she points out that the first three words of the constitution are “We the people,” “this,” she says emphatically, “means all of us.”
Her goal is election protection. Kathleen and VoteRiders with 12,000 nation-wide volunteers, who by ideology and endless diligence reach hundreds of thousands of people to help them get a proper photo identification. VoteRiders is non-partisan so works on behalf of all who are eligible to vote. The details are shocking, fascinating and, as you will see as you listen to Kathleen, hopeful. So worth taking a look.
By the way, there is not just a constitutional emergency here. There is also health crisis that has a dangerous and possibly life-threatening impact on thousands of people without government issued identification cards. So, double the thanks to VoteRiders for all the ground they cover.
Kathleen wisely points out that action is the antidote to anxiety. The VoteRiders website offers you layer after layer of important information and ways to take action to lessen what anxiety you may be feeling. We the people can help her help us, can help all of America live up to its intended goals of equality at the polls.

Her love letter? People tend to keep love/gratitude letters. Kathleen, through VoteRiders, is doing something privately grateful and historically significant. She is documenting in her own hand something that is an important part of modern American history. This letter will be forever be an authentic historical record of a dangerous aspect of American political life in 2024.