The effects of childhood abuse can continue into adulthood in ruinous ways. Cynthia Toussaint is here to talk about generational trauma, the damage that continues down the generations often causing increasing harm and life-threatening disease to adults who have suffered the horror of abuse and vicious dysfunction.

Cynthia who was at one point in her young life a ballet dancer, singer and actress, has battled chronic pain since her 20s when her life was forever changed by a devastating mysterious chronic pain. After years of being told that it was all in her mind, she finally got Complex Regional Pain Syndrome recognized as an illness in its own right. She is the founder of For Grace, an organization dedicated to promoting comfort and care for women who suffer CRPS.

Cynthia Toussaint is an indomitable power when it comes to tackling catastrophic conditions that have been under-recognized. She is here today to talk about the relationship between childhood emotional trauma and dangerous illnesses and a higher risk of developing physical and mental illnesses and how her own history of childhood upheaval led to her cancer.
To hear her talk from her own experience about what her young girlhood anguish has imposed on her adult life is somehow heartache with hope. Cynthia never loses sight of the positive in her life and even amid a cascade of medical challenges, she not only triumphs personally but has broken the cycle of personal damage and been able to educate us about what a dysfunctional family can do and how we might better stave off the effects of abuse if caught early enough.

To see Cynthia talk about all this is to see love, strength and beauty in action.This may be the information you need to save the life of people you know, to break a vicious cycle of abuse and dysfunction. Cynthia, even with her history of devastating illnesses and a family history of ruthless conduct, has been personally blessed with a joyful temperment and has put it to constructive use with every step she has taken.