Suzie Woodward Morris is a San Francisco based fashion consultant who, thanks to Skype, has no actual geographic limitations. That is understated. It seems she has no limits at all, able as she is to change direction at will. She is the oldest of 10 children and the one raven haired vision in a family of blondes, so she is no stranger to standing out among the crowd. Her fashion innovations started early in childhood, and because, in that childhood, her mother was almost always pregnant, she had some built in materials ready to use for her own style decisions. After she earned her nursing degree, she headed straight for a life in fashion. It happens it was at a fashion show in which she was modeling, she met the man who would become her husband. One 6 hour coffee date. The next morning he appeared at her front door with 100 yellow roses and a diamond ring. Her mother was horrified. Suzie was not. Hers is a life that is hard to believe until you hear her tell it. And, then it all makes perfect sense.