Poet Minerva Gail Hawkins Discovers a Legacy of Love From Found Letters Her Father Wrote to Her Mother

Actor Michael Vaccaro, Movies, NY Stage West Side Story, Another World and Creator of Boldly Original Sitcom Child of the ’70s

Here She Is Miss America 1955 Lee Meriwether Still An Ideal Beauty and More

Ann Benson’s Triple Success As Actress, Wife of Jerry Segal, and Mother To Robby and Shelli

Michael Steiner, Not Stopped by Personal Peril, Founded Diverse City Entertainment

Keston and Andrea Refuse Termination and Choose to Welcome Daughter With Down Syndrome

Michele Spitz and Her Continually Burgeoning World of Equal Access

Dr. Marylou Naccarato’s World of Improved Sex

Actor Steven Wishnoff’s Natural Tendency for Very Funny