Michele Spitz long ago realized there are people whose limitations prohibited them from buying tickets to cultural events, so she started taking them as her guests. Kidnapped them whenever she could, she says. She liked the company, and because she loved seeing people introduced to something new and wonderful, she discovered her calling in life. Michele, Woman of her Word, has created a world of making cultural events accessible to people regardless of disability, and a huge world hers is. She volunteers her own voice for audio description for the blind, is involved in film festivals in the world of disability, and she underwrites programs for a growing number of groups. She is now in her third year with Superfest and in her second year with ReelAbilities, both of which are juried film festivals that celebrate disabilities as different abilities by featuring films about and with people who live with various limitations. You may know her voice already from her vast body of work and not even have realized it is Michele Spitz, woman of her word, offering her everlasting invitation to take part in something wonderful.
Her love letter, and why? Pure Michele. Get a box of Kleenex.