Josh Wingate is an actor who has, step by step, evolved into the kind of man he wants to be, which is, ironically enough, just the kind of man he once thought he did not want to be. He originally came to lean on his tough guy self as a result of being picked on for being a Mama’s boy, being extremely sensitive, and his good Catholic Irish upbringing that said men don’t talk about things that are too real. As a martial arts master, he is happy to say that, having taken a courageous step in honesty, he has added martial arts of the psyche to his strength.
He knew at the age of 15 he could be an actor thanks to the drama coach at his High School who pushed him to break out of his safety-net zone. This is a complicated and powerfully told personally history of becoming more of a man and more of an actor with each passing stage and best heard in Josh’s own very compelling voice.
His most recent work, Her Story is a series written, directed and starring transgender women about the transgender dating world, and the project he credits with having made him a better man, more compassionate. Josh says he knows that the most important relationship you can have is with yourself, and to hear him talk about his own is a lesson in growth, gratitude that come with the intelligent pursuit of one’s best self. His best self, star material personally and creatively, is so worth knowing!
His love letter? So many. He talks about one to his boyhood self, and hooray for that! One to his high school drama coach, yes. With the people in Josh’s life who have had a variety of impact and for his own feel for the importance of truth, he could be writing many. Let’s hope he does.