Come meet beauty pageant queen dachshund Oops and her friend Dr. Feldman a combo long haired chihuahua and Pomeranian. I thought it would be fun to dedicate an episode of Love Letters Live to the wonder of man’s best friend. By the way these two dignified souls are good friends off the camera.

Oops has found a stable and loving life out of the limelight since she came to her new home at the age of 4. The cavalcade of glamour was not the life for her as Tracy explains. What has become of Oops? She is still quite beautiful, smart as can be, and, as all our doggies are, our own personal best in show. Tracy and I share stories about what we have learned from our pooches about never losing our spirit and joy despite severe losses as we age. How do these wonderful creatures bring us such fun, devotion, protection, comfort and love 24/7? And, don’t we give the same right back to them in so many ways?

Tracy talks about her joyous life with Oops. What kind of little sister was she to her big sister Maggie Mae, also a beautiful dachshund? And, when Maggie Mae sadly passed? Did Oops understand about death? Such a smart one, Oops is. Chances are she understood because Tracy did something wonderful to help Oops accept her big sister’s passing even in the midst of her own grief,

To see the animation in Tracy’s smile as she talks about Oops is a lesson in the incomparable cheer that our doggies bring us. To see the expression in Oops’s face so beautifully captured by Youtube is a lesson in facing the camera with majesty and grace and being so totally comfortable that she falls happily asleep on Tracy’s lap as the cameras are rolling. Dr.Feldman, by the way, as you will see, is totally blasé about being a co -star of a Love Letters Live episode and will never sit on my lap for more than 17 seconds, so off he went.

Love Letters to pets? Lots of them! And once in a while a gift sent through the mail dog to dog. Hooray for letters to our pets! Tracy shares part of a letter she wrote to Maggie Mae after she passed and talks about the rewards of writing to our pets whether or not they are here on earth with us. Truth be told, they are never gone, and Tracy has taken one further step in keeping Maggie Mae’s spirit right where it belongs in their home.
Is there a pet in your life, yours or someone else’s, who should get a letter from you?