With a war going on right now that has the potential to threaten the entire world in myriad ways, I know that legions of us have sent donations to help the people of Ukraine now facing horror after horror. Not to minimize countless political atrocities against people taking place daily, it’s just that this one was a reminder to me that there is a whole new category of powerful love letters, something I had not thought of prior to this murderous bludgeoning foisted upon Ukraine. Category – Donations as love letters.
When it comes to saving lives, sometimes the most important instruction is “now!” The truth is that we can help. The miracle is that today we can help faster because of the internet. Grass roots have never sprouted so fast thanks to immediate communication bringing people world-wide into the task of saving lives.
When soldiers are lying broken and crushed on the battle-field hanging onto life by a thread, they must be immediately snatched to safety, stabilized and healed. When people have abandoned their homes and sometimes all they possess they need to be strengthened by nutrition, housing, safety, personal items and ways to find their way back to a life of strength and joy. When they have stood at border crossings for 72 hours, there is a priority, nutrition.
Love Letters? Yes, your donation accompanied by a handwritten note expressing love, admiration, wishes for strength, donations in honor of someone you love, in memory of the same, all of these are love letters. These are love letters that save and repair lives.
Please listen to this episode about the people who are helping in Ukraine. These are acts of heroism and ingenious help. I would like to mention just a few: Revived Soldiers Ukraine, HIAS (at work since 1881 to help refugees), Come Back Alive, Article 26 Backpack (keeps personal information that will be needed later to reestablish people into new lives or the continuation of pre-war lives), World Central Kitchen (so far 60,000,000 served during crises), International Rescue Committee (founded by none other than Albert Einstein in 1931), CARE (still going strong), Joint Distribution Committee (Since 1914),Anhelyk Foundation (yes we have a new group of war orphans), Nova Ukraine (clothing, shoes, diapers, personal hygiene products and other material goods shipped to families affected by this war.
The list goes on and on. How wonderful that the list is too long to enumerate here. You can, of course google how to help Ukraine and find the organization that most reflects your requirements either in what they do or what religious group that reflects your beliefs is offering the help.
Donations are made from one person to another, not from machine to machine, and I know from experience that a handwritten note with a donation not only gets money where it is needed but it sends personal emotional encouragement where it is needed. This is not to say that you should avoid sending donations online payable through Paypal or some other method. You should do as much as you can however you can, but maybe split the amount, some of it to be sent by check with your note. Remember that the US Post Office is one of the most efficient remarkable outfits ever and they can usually get your mail to the recipient pretty pronto.
How often do we hear people ask, shoulders shrugged, eyes wishing for an answer, “What can one person do?” One person can do plenty. You can do plenty by sending donations with a large helping of love and admiration. Take a look here for some heroes of “what can one person do?”.
Sadly, evil grabs headlines, the good so often goes unnoticed. But, remember, that for all the evil we see in the world, there is a greater amount of good. And, that good is you!