Cynthia Toussaint is back to talk about music. The ability of music to heal, and her latest CD. You may remember Cynthia as a cheerful, grounded and beautiful woman who knew as a girl she was meant to be on stage. She was twenty-one years old when she was struck by a disease now recognized as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), but at that time was disregarded as the result of a woman’s own neurotic behavior.
Her performance career was halted in a flash, but Cynthia was not halted at all; she just shifted gears. Her abundant accomplishments would be a feather in the cap of anyone, but that she has done all she has done and continues to do in the face of pain and illness is nothing short of phenomenal.
In addition to having created For Grace, the world of endless help for women who suffer chronic pain, she has found one more way to heal herself and, as it turns out, others. She talks about her latest collection of songs on a CD entitled “Crazy”, how she saw those songs years ago and how she sees them now as she still continues to work her way through medical crises.
The lilt in her voice as she talks about her life, her challenges and her successes is a tribute to her determination not to be toppled. And, on the topic of the lilt in her voice, she is an exceptional singer with the nuance, power and acting ability to make a theatrical presentation out of every song. A donation to For Grace through the website will get you a copy of “Crazy” and help ease the suffering of women in chronic pain.
Her Love Letters Live Youtube episode will let you see the joy in her face as she talks about the curative powers of music. Her candor about her own life is an education sentence by sentence. Truth is her ally, glee her constant companion. Her music heals, but so does she with every step she takes.
Love Letter? Yes. Maybe a whole rash of them that will be historically significant in the world of music.