As Passover is around the corner, Rabbi Peretz Mochkin dives right into the complexities of shedding various kinds of slavery that keep us from being as much as we can be. He talks about leaving the mental constraints of slavery; can people leave limitations foisted upon them? Then there is relating instead of interacting and what that means personally from first dates to committed and faithful relationships meant to last a lifetime.

He says, “Life is beautiful if you choose to see it that way,” and with the challenge of coronavirus that confined him, his wife and 7 children under one roof day and night for two years, he realized an unexpected beauty as he saw, last Passover, his young children in a whole new light. How that came about and what he saw, listen and find out.

So many other issues he sheds light on it is difficult to bring them all to you in these few words. Tale a look and try to keep from laughing out-loud at the little white lie he told to get his first rabbinical position. With his usual sparkle he does have something exceptionally insightful to say about not being able to handle a truth.
Love letters? Of course. Rabbi Mochkin is a man who has seen his share of sadness yet finds it possible to reveal himself fully, and eager to express love.