Myrna Aronoff on how the Pandemic brought her the joy of being silver-haired

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Hair? It isn’t just hair. It is at best our crowning glory. At worst it has been the battleground for some of the most gut-wrenching racial battles. Hair has been the focal point of generational skirmishes that pitted parents and children against each other. Hair has served for political stances where victory has been often declared and changes in our perception realized.

Sometimes hair is simply a matter of trend-setting as we follow the lead of movie stars whose styles bring both adulation and harsh criticism. Sometimes we are the hapless victims of well-planned advertising campaigns and cannot get to the products fast enough.

Here we are, just two girls talking about hair, what it means personally and politically, what it says about us, how we see men through their hairstyles, and how we struggle to be chic, glamorous and look our best. And, OMG how that changes over the decades! How the compellingly beautiful can turn to sheer goofiness is really mysterious.

Take a listen and see where you fall (no pun intended but definitely recognized- groan) in this history of hair. To see Myrna with her silver crown, talking about her own hair history, take a look here.

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