Wonder Woman Weezie Mott

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Weezie Mott, bright blue eyes and red hair, is a smart, energetic, creative and accomplished wonder. One of 5 siblings, “a wonderful sister and three outstanding brothers,” still a smile in her voice as she talks about this family she loves. From her first visual memory of tea with her mother, those wonderful older siblings, the death of her mother when Weezie was 5, being sent to boarding school where the food was “horrible” from the age of 7 until the 8th grade “when I got to come home and throw my uniform away”, adamantly declining the prospect of life as a nun, world travel, life as a nurse, life in the navy, falling in love, staying in love, motherhood, Cordon Blue cooking school in France and much more right up to now.

Has she slowed down? Not at all. She runs a cooking school of her own now, and for the past 20 years has taken her students on the kind of European culinary tours no travel agency can even offer. Motoring With the Motts. Weezie’s love letter is one she wrote decades ago about her own upcoming marriage, a girl-to-girl confession of deep love and more. Still going strong at 92 and says, “I’ll always be a redhead!”

To listen to Weezie, with her candor and laughter, talk about her life in the past, the present and the future is to know how limitless life can be.

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